Call for papers

Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education

ICLHE conferences have traditionally addressed issues related to teaching and learning in an additional language, including student and teacher perceptions, teacher training, staff effectiveness, learning effectiveness, and program development. This 6th ICLHE Conference will continue to address how focused language instruction/assessment can be utilized as a foundation for disciplinary content learning, with specific consideration to the multimodal nature of languages and of today’s teaching and learning practices.

We invite proposals for papers, poster presentations, workshops, and colloquia within the conference theme in areas related to one or more of the following suggested topics:

  1. Multimodal approaches to ICL in HE
  2. Learning disciplinary content through an additional language
  3. Educational approaches that promote ICL in HE
  4. ICL course and programme design
  5. Assessment and evaluation (e.g. teacher, student, programmes)
  6. ICL teacher training and support

While priority will be given to research-based contributions on these themes, other contributions are also welcome.

Colloquia and workshops

Colloquia and workshops should address a common theme, theoretical topic or methodological area, and will be scheduled in slots of 60 minutes. The proposal should include an overall description of the colloquium or the workshop (max. 300 words) highlighting the content and objectives. Colloquia proposals should also contain abstracts for individual papers (of up to 150 words each). References are included in the word count. There should not be more than 4 contributors and their presentation should not be longer than 10 minutes each in order to leave time for discussion. Please also provide information about the colloquium contributors, stating full institutional affiliations and e-mail addresses.

Individual papers

Proposals for individual papers (max. 300 words) must clearly indicate a preference for oral or poster presentation. Poster presenters must be physically present to discuss their work during the dedicated sessions. Oral presentations will typically be scheduled in sessions of 90 minutes comprising three presentations, with 30 minutes (20min. for presentation + 10min. for discussion) allocated to each individual presentation.

Conference languages

The official languages of the conference are English, Spanish and French.


The 6th ICLHE Conference will take place in Castellón (Spain) from 15th October to 18th October 2019.

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